
Noreen Hill (Metzger) Noreen Hill (Metzger)
In Memory of
Hill (Metzger)
1940 -
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Condolence From: Diane Annas
Condolence: To Carmen and Dale and all family and friends. I am so sorry to hear of the loss or your Mom. So many special memories of her at the hospital and my Mom (Myrtle) spoke so very highly of her - she was a true gem in life and in Nursing. What a gift Heaven has received, but such a loss for you. Sending you prayers, thoughts and hugs.
Friday March 10, 2017
Condolence From: Niki Rooke (Kush)
Condolence: She was the boss of the hospital!! What a great nurse she was. When we were under her care, we knew things were done right. RIP Sweet Lady. xo
Tuesday February 14, 2017
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